Your Watershed Moment will change you FOREVER.

Watershed Moment Enterprises helps people…

begin or continue their journey of transformation by offering impactful, Spirit-led solutions to those who are committed to living out the plan, purpose, and will of God for their lives. We have the opportunity to give the individuals it comes in contact with a true before and after moment. Moments that will mark and change them for the better, FOREVER.

Invest in your journey of transformation.


Journey Transformation Services

Watershed Moment Enterprises specializes in Spirit-led solutions to help people begin, continue, or deepen their journey of transformation.


Join us for an introductory webinar session and see if it’s right for you.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.


What People Are Saying

  • Watershed Moment Enterprises has impacted my life through self-development and self-awareness.Dr. Sharon Richardson is such a wonderful teacher as she guided me through some hidden traumatic areas (childhood, relational and sickness) that were revealed to her by the Holy Spirit. I had been suffering for a week of sickness with stomach issues and God used her to reveal some self-identity issues that were impacting my life. The tools for self-development (increasing prayer and studying the word) were some of the methods Dr. Sharon Richardson advised me which in my freedom and complete healing. I thank God for the healing and for the ministry of Watershed Moment Enterprises. Dr. Richardson has a heart for the Father and passionate about helping people obtain their freedom from the grips of the enemy and their everyday challenges. I would recommend this ministry for anyone that is wanting a deeper walk with the Father and freedom of any barriers that may be holding them back from walking in the destiny that God has for their life.

    — Vicki Oliver

  • I’m so grateful for the opportunity to share my testimony regarding my experience since meeting Dr. Sharon Richardson. It’s been nearly a year, but I recall our first encounter as though it was yesterday. The spiritual depth she lives in is evident when entering her presence. After listening to her presentation, I remember saying to myself, “this lady walks in a heavy anointing.” Since that day, I have found myself desiring to walk closer and deeper with the Lord. Under her tutelage, I have seen where I have been, but most of all where I can grow and go in my relationship with God. Each class session taught by Dr. Sharon, always leaves me feeling restored, refreshed, and revived. Truly my soul is watered from a deep well. She is an awesome blessing and gift to the Body of Christ.

    - Ella Rodgers

  • “God assigned me for a season with Dr. Sharon Richardson because I needed someone who was more impressed by character than gifts. God used her to shift me from just teaching to demonstration; from slavery to sonship; from separation to relationship; and from intellect to faith.”

    — Tony Brown

  • "Sharon Richardson & WME has impacted my life tremendously! She yields to Holy Spirit to provide the level of love, grace, guidance, counsel or supernatural healing and deliverance needed. She leads by example with transparency, wisdom and professionalism. My life's trajectory shifted for the better the moment I met Sharon and encountered her transformational ministry. Since then, I've conquered paralyzing fear and shattered toxic belief patterns. I am now advancing in my academic pursuits and I'm walking in my God-ordained purpose and destiny in ministry. WME has the Master's key to release those desiring relief and freedom from what's holding them captive-- setting them on the path to success."

    — Andrea Ward

  • Before I met Dr. Sharon Richardson, I did not fully understand the meaning of having an intimate relationship with God. I did not know anything about having prophetic gifts, being able to go into the Courts of Heaven, or really know how to operate in the anointings placed on my life. After joining Dr. Sharon's ministry, I was surrounded by others who were walking with Christ and sought to love me and teach me how to grow close to God. By having a structured ministry, Dr. Sharon gives those seeking the wisdom of God a chance to truly understand who they are in the Kingdom. Within a year of joining Dr. Sharon's ministry, I was able to go through a successful deliverance, write a book I had been putting off for years, and walk in my Kingdom purpose because doors keep opening up for me. Her ministry also helped me to learn how to speak in my spiritual language and operate in my prophetic gifts. I am thankful Dr. Sharon has opened her heart to share what God shares with her: how to walk with Christ in purpose and love.

    — Bianca Isom, MBA, MSC, Certified Image Consultant

  • “Dr. Sharon of Watershed Moments Enterprises has been an invaluable catalyst for spiritual growth in my life and the activation of dormant gifts I didn’t even know I had. She is a wonderful example of what it looks like to walk life out in a sweet intimate relationship with God. She is truly a gift to the body of Christ, a humble leader, and an amazing teacher. Her passion and wisdom in releasing God’s healing power can’t be denied.”

    - Tiara B.

  • “Dr. Sharon is a vessel of honor that heals the brokenhearted and gives life to the lifeless. Thank God for your nurturing and loving spirit. I’m so grateful for all Watershed Moment’s has imparted into me.”

    — Pamela Hunter

  • Description goes here“Dr. Sharon's ministry of healing and deliverance is highly transformative, to say the least. The insightful and inspired curriculum, along with the personal ministry, allows the receiver to gain deeper understanding of root issues in one's life which cause underlying pain and dysfunctional behaviors that impact the person's life, relationships and growth. Watershed Moments is a Spirit-led catalyst to release individuals from the effects of negative experiences and influences, allowing them to move forward in new freedom as a whole individual. As a result of experiencing my own personal watershed moment, I have been released into divine destiny and invited her to also share this effective ministry of transformation with men and women on foreign soil.”

    — Deborah Lee Barrett, Lead Strategist Catalyst Empowerment Group & Catapult Global, Inc.

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